Monday, December 22, 2014

Tattoos With Meaning scorpion tattoos

Tattoos say a lot about the style and traits of a person. Different people like to get different tattoo designs that hold some symbolic significance to them. Most of the people go for the tattoos that either tell about the inner thoughts of a person or reflect their personality. However, some people also like to get various tattoo designs as a symbol of remembrance or inspiration.
Everyone likes to get tattoos with meaning. There are several meaningful tattoo designs available that can be inked by people. You can choose from various traditional designs that used to hold special meaning for various ancient people, religious tattoos that represent one’s faith and belief in a particular religion and any other tattoos that are liked by people for their certain significance. These meaningful designs hold different symbolic meanings to different people. The representation of a tattoo design is one of the main factors that most people like to research before inking it on the body.
So, if you are also looking for a meaningful tattoo design that you would like to ink on your skin, then you have come to the right place. In this article we have discussed some beautiful tattoos with different meanings that are represented through their designs.   

The symbol meaning of Scorpion,
The symbol meaning of Scorpion, much like its appearance, can be little foreboding. That is, if we do not have the inner eyes to see the beauty and complexity of its symbolism.

Below are a few facts on the symbol meaning for Scorpion along with some cultural history and background.

A summary of symbol meaning/associations for the Scorpion are as follows:

Transition, Death/Dying, Sex, Control, Solitary/Being, Alone, Treachery, Passion, Protection, Defensiveness

A potent message the Scorpion chooses to express is that of protection and/or isolation. In fact, they themselves are quite solitary - part of the reason why they symbolize In fact, many people with the Scorpion as their totem tend to have brief spells of passion with a partner only to end the relationship and spend long periods content to be alone.

The Scorpion will mate in an exotic, dance of passion and control. The Scorpion sexdance is one of beauty, control, and calculation.

The female allows her new offspring to ride on her back until they shed their first exoskeleton - then her offspring leaves her - all of them going off to their lone, solitary lives - another example of intensity in relationship followed by isolation.

Defensiveness/control/protection is evident in the Scorpion's appearance - which seems to say "Do not trifle with me." One look at this magnificent creature says "back off!" does it not?

As another symbol of protection - we can consider the venomous tip of the scorpion which numbs its prey as well as makes its prey chemically digestible for the Scorpion. Whether the Scorpion intends to eat the victim of its sting is irrelevant because its sting will most certainly protect the Scorpion in order for it to live another day.

In Samaria, the Scorpion is associated with the Sun, and ancient writings depict Scorpion-men guarding (protecting) sacred gateways leading to ascension, pleasure and enlightenment.

Death symbolism comes into play in Greco-Roman mythology where Artemis (Diana) used the Scorpion to sting Orion's foot, which caused his death. Afterwards, Zeus (Jupiter) made the Scorpion a zodiac sign among the stars.

There are some species where the venom is actually the antidote for its sting (like cobras). In Egypt and Tibet this is seen as an omen, and the Scorpion is made into an amulet - signifying protection and warding off evil. In Africa, the Scorpion is also seen as a healing sign - its venomous oil used for medicinal purposes.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Nipple Piercing Questions & Answers BY Lady Day

I received an overwhelming response and a lot more questions! I got many questions particularly about nipple piercings, so below are some detailed answers to the most commonly asked questions.
Combatting Shyness
If you are shy about presenting your nipple to a stranger, this is perfectly normal! Remember that your piercer is a professional and this is not a sexual thing. The less clothing you have to remove, the more comfortable you will probably be, so I would suggest wearing a button up top. This way, you only have to expose the nipple being pierced and keep everything else covered up.
The Pain Factor 
I have my nipples pierced, so I am speaking from experience. Getting them pierced was a breeze. I was only going to pierce one at a time, but the first one was so easy I told him to go ahead and do the other one, too. I'll admit, tho, that by then my endorphins had run down and the second one hurt a bit.

Endorphin's are wonderful little things. They race through your body, giving you the strength for the "fight or flight" response. They also help to minimize pain. It is a GOOD thing to have some fear and apprehension before getting pierced, because those little endorphins will kick in and help you fight any pain. That doesn't mean you won't feel it, but it will greatly minimize the discomfort.
Also, keep in mind that a piercing is over very quickly. Almost any of us could endure even the worst torture for one or two seconds. I promise, a piercing is nothing like torture!
Abnormal Nipple Shape
If your nipples are abnormally shaped, such as inverted or flat, it will be best to allow your piercer to determine if they can be pierced and what the effect will be. It's difficult to diagnose a condition without being able to see, so make an appointment with your piercer for a consultation.

Healing & Soreness
Now, once you are pierced, the healing process may be slow. This depends a lot on the size and weight of your breasts. Those with smaller breasts will actually have less problems than those with heavier breasts that can get caught in things through natural movement. You never realize how much pulling and squishing your nipples undergo every day until you get them pierced!
If your nipples are sore during the healing process, an ice pack can do wonders. If you don't have an ice pack, a package of small frozen vegetables like peas or corn works really well. Don't laugh! This is a highly recommended method of treatment for engorged breast-feeding mothers.
The less aggravation your piercing undergoes, the quicker the healing time will be. It should only take about 6-8 weeks. In my case, it took 6 months because my youngest daughter was still very small when I got mine pierced. She was climbing up on my lap one day and grabbed my nipple......ouch! This set the piercing back to the beginning as far as healing goes, so be careful!
If it's been many months and your nipples still haven't healed, you may have an allergy or sensitivity to the jewelry you are wearing. You also might be doing something to aggravate it without realizing it. It's best to see your piercer (or any professional piercer) and let them look at it so they can make an informed suggestion for healing.
Jewelry Rejection
Is a nipple piercing considered a surface piercing? And can it reject like a surface piercing? Technically, no. Although the nipple is similar to a surface piercing in that it enters and exits the skin in two different areas, it's not quite the same. The nipple is fleshy enough to pierce securely behind plenty of skin to prevent rejection. But that doesn't mean a nipple piercing can't reject - especially if it's not done properly in the first place. If the jewelry gauge is too thin or the piercing isn't deep enough to begin with, you run the risk of rejection. If you have an allergy to the metal, it could cause it to reject. If you have problems with infection and/or tug and pull on it too much, it could reject. Actually, almost any piercing falls under these rules - so make sure your piercer knows what they're doing and be extra dutiful about your aftercare!
To Bra or Not to Bra

Wearing a bra will actually feel BETTER - you may even want to sleep with it on. Sport bras provide the most comfort. The main important thing to remember is, if you are wearing a bra, don't allow moisture to build up. If you sweat, you'll want to change your bra frequently and cleanse your piercing before donning a new bra.
You will not need to change the size of your bra. The little ring isn't going to make that much difference and a snug bra will feel better during the healing process.
your piercing leaks a little fluid during the healing process, this is normal. If you don't want this fluid getting on your bra, you can buy nipple pads designed for breast feeding mothers. These pads are soft and disposable, and can create a barrier between your nipple and your bra.
Nipple Erection/Hardness
If you have heard about nipples staying hard (erect) once getting them pierced, that is not necessarily true. They may for a while, but once your body gets used to the piercing, your nipples will relax like normal. If you have flat nipples, piercing them can help to push them out a little bit, but that doesn't mean they will always stand erect.
Breast Feeding
If you plan to have a child and breastfeed in the future, you may wonder if you should get your nipples pierced at all. I've had people tell me they've heard all kinds of crazy rumors about breastfeeding with pierced nipples, but you only need to concern yourself with the facts. The facts are that in most cases, pierced nipples do not cause a problem when breastfeeding; in fact, some have found that it actually increases their milk flow (flow, not production), making it easier to nurse. Some nursing mothers say they even keep the jewelry in (including during feedings), although I personally do not recommend this. You need to carefully consider what goes into your child's mouth at all times, and a piercing can be a breeding ground for bacteria. It's much easier to keep it clean without the jewelry in place.
The decision is ultimately yours. You have to decide whether you want the piercing enough now, even if you may lose it later. Once you have a child, you will also have to decide if you are going to keep the jewelry in or remove it. Whatever decisions you make, it should be in the best interest of any future or present child. Nurturing your child through breastfeeding is one of the most important things you can do during the beginning of their life. Making sure that everything that enters their mouths and bodies during that time is clean and safe is also your responsibility.
So, unless you have a medical reason, getting your nipples pierced now and breastfeeding somewhere down the line should cause no complications. However, if you are currently pregnant or nursing, you will not be able to get any piercings until 6 weeks after the baby has been weaned.
Sensitivity & Arousal
Does having your nipples pierced make them more sensitive? Most women say yes! Does this mean you have to worry about walking around being aroused all the time? No. Especially once you get used to them, they will provide the most sensation when you want them to. If you're doing normal daily activities, you're not going to be walking around in a constant state of frustration!
Oh, and one more thing - tell your partner it's hands and mouth off for 2 weeks! Even if the piercing feels OK, it's not healed. Germs and bacteria can cause a painful infection, so you'll just have to find other ways to entertain yourselves. ;)
Lost Jewelry/Repiercing
If your jewelry falls out or comes out involuntarily, you need to see your piercer as quickly as possible to have it put back in. Nipple piercings, even healed ones, can close very quickly. However, if you try to put the jewelry back in yourself, it may feel like it's completely closed when it's not. Your piercer can use tapers and lubricant to ease the piercing back open without having to repierce - IF you get there fast enough (within 24 hours).
Once it has closed partially or fully, you're looking at a repiercing. Can it be done? Of course. Will it be hard to pierce through old scar tissue? A professional and experienced piercer will not pierce through scar tissue if it is avoidable - they will create a new hole through soft flesh. Your nipples will be at no more risk to cause difficulty with breastfeeding with second holes than they would with a single piercing.